Dette har virkelig vært en sløvesøndag, men gud så deilig det har vært å sove lenge, spise en deilig lunch bestående av kjeks, brie, brød med masse godt pålegg og kaffe med soyafett jeg trodde var melk.
Har gått litt rundt i Hamar by i dag, og tatt en kaffe på favoritt cafeen.. så leid kveldens filmer og en haug med godis, som jeg har tenkt å spise med god samvittighet!
så herlig :-)
SvarSlettSå nam ut;) Kan du ikke blogge mer outfits,digger stilen din:D
SvarSlettHåper du koser deg!;)
SvarSlettKos deg i sommer :)
SvarSlettI think what is fantastic about your blog is that you share your beautiful life and it's accessible. I think a lot of fashion personal style blogs are either totally unrealistic and/or inaccessible and it's refreshing to go through posts that I can sort of relate to.
Caroline: Jo, skal prøve på det;)
SvarSlettThe Queen of Hearts:Thank you for such a great comment. sets very much appreciate on every feedback from my readers,ether it is positive or negative , and I try to always prepare for the blog to get better. It is so true that there are too many fashion bloggers who are unrealistic. I also posts about expensive designer stuff etc, but I like to be a bit personal, and real as you say..and share what I experience in the Norwegian fashion industrie, and I`m always myself in pictures, etc. Many people try to be someone else, and takes pictures all the time looking like they are on the expensive restaurants, out to shop or walk in the city.It can be cool, but you know what i mean.. it`s not real life..most people love real people who are themselfs.. I think you have a great blog yourself<3 have a nice day:D